Sunday, May 20, 2007

Craigslist, BMB, etc.

How many of you have gone on Craigslist or Big Muscle Bears lately and seen the insane number of guys who want to bareback or suck-and-swallow? How insane do you have to be in this day and age to want to do that? These guys must either have a death wish or are already positive and don't give two shits. The positive guys have to be the worst. All reports point to somewhere down the line, the virus will potentially mutate (as they all do), and mixing the strains by continuous exposure is the sure-fire way of doing that. Do they want to doom everyone, or what? Serious interdiction (no pun intended) is called for, but what? Bush has curtailed enough of our inalienable rights, I don't want to escalate the Naziism. Questions, comments, razberries?

I know this is shallow, but I'll stop the blogging now to go sit on my ass in front of the crack-tube to see the season finale of Desperate Housewives. Yes, my gay card is platinum, thank you very much. And after, the season finale of Brothers and Sisters. Gotta support any gay characters on the tube, even if the himbos are hetero in real life.

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