Saturday, January 10, 2009

Virus Free? We Shall See.

My last post was a short and quick little missive. At the time, I really didn't know how f'd up my computer was. It turns out that the phrase is 'totally f'd, but not terminal'. $70 dollars of software that didn't help much, but increased my memory, was the first step. Later, not knowing what to do, I prayed to the god "Google". I entered the words uninstall Windows Antivirus 2009. You see, everytime that I picked a site on my favorites, a big, scary window would pop up saying that this site contained spyware, viruses, etc. Now I know to always hit that little 'x' up in the right hand corner and not hit the 'NO' button. Windows Antivirus 2009 is a bitch. It you hit 'NO', it installs anyway. DO NOT DO THIS!

Anyways, Google pointed me to a website called StopZilla. For $9.95, it got rid of the dreaded Windows Antivirus 2009 that the $70 software would not. And now, I can continue to write on Beentheredonethat with no interruptions.

Tune in tomorrow to see what's been happening.


justabamaguy said...

Hey there, sorry about the computer virus and the human virus you had recently. I'm enjoying reading your blog. Hope things are going well for you. Have a great week!!

Mike the Waiter said...

this is another example that the most expensive fix is not necessarily the best. glad you got it fixed.
peace, mTw

Anonymous said...

there's a free program that works great. malwarebytes. you can get it at