I've talked before about listening to AM talk radio on the way to work in the morning. Every morning at 7:30, I flip over to see what Mike Huckabee is obsessing over that day. Today was a lighter than usual entry.
This morning, he had an uplifting message about what to tell those impressionable young minds graduating from high school or college. His suggestion was to give these maturing youngsters a gift. That gift?
Are you f'ing kidding me? A High Commander in the Army of Doom and Gloom? Someone who has nothing good to say about the current administration or its policies? A man who's collaborators have instilled a sense of morose over a nation and given a pass to the past administration. Seven months of intense action to fend off Great Depression II has only brought about incredulty and sour grapes over losing the election.
This is the same party who took credit for a vibrant economy 6 years after Reagan's Voodoo Economics and Trickle Down Theory were debunked. And now, seven months into Obama's administration, Barack is solely responsible. Amazing.
And Mike Huckabee says that a sense of optimism should be spread throughout the land. Gee, Mike, how will you straddle that fence while playing both sides of it? Will you start calling out those silly "birthers"? Will you admit things look better today than they did a year ago? We may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we know the tunnel does not lead to a blown-out bridge like we thought last year.
No thanks to all you "optimists" on the far right. Just make me one promise. This will not be your Vice Presidential nominee...
1 comment:
Hey there I can relate. I listened to some host on WEBY yesterday afternoon to moron Steve Gill that airs from 3:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. But then they had some crazy show I could barely stand to listen to that was local yesterday from 4:00 on the local "Your Turn" radio show. It's too bad we only get a liberal voice with Mike Papantonio only one day a week. And that's when I'm working!! Hope you have a great week!! Pencil me in for a dinner coming up soon if you're still interested. I'm hoping to be settled into the new apartment by Monday or Tuesday of this upcoming week!!
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