Thursday, May 31, 2007

Grandma Time

While looking over the other blogs I frequent, I was saddened at the loss of Restaurant Gal's grandmother. Not only is it terribly sad to lose a grandparent, it's an unwanted reminder of the cruel passing of time. My main reason for leaving South Florida, besides the rude-ass people, was to be with my father. I would never forgive myself if I didn't try to be closer to him, physically and emotionally. I haven't spoken to my mother in around six years, and I'd be damned if I wouldn't keep in close contact with the one parental unit I was still on speaking terms with. It's a long, convoluted story, one I may eventually share here. Then again, maybe not. Time will tell, if I have enough of it.


Anonymous said...

I only just stumbled on your site yesterday (and commented), and was looking back through the recent posts tonight and came across this one. My goodness, thank you for the thoughts about my grandmother.

By the way, you are a good writer. Hope the new job allows you some peace and good fortune, and the time to keep up your writing.

Best, The Gal

Ex-Restaurant Manager said...

Back atcha, RG!