Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm back, stop yawning, yall!

Hey yall,
I don't know if anyone has read any of this so far. I didn't think I'd take it any further. Well, surprise, I'm gonna devote a lot of time to this here blog thingy. I've spent considerable time reading other blogs (, durbanbud, scottevill, amongst others) and I want to add my two cents worth. Lord knows, there aren't enough bloggers out there, hmphbullsh...hph. This area I'm in has been described by others as "The Redneck Riviera", LA ( Lower Alabama ), and other derogatory terms, but I see it as a place to call home. I've lived in Michigan, Mississippi, South Carolina, Ohio, Long Island (Like Butta!), Tennessee, and South Florida. I know South Florida is home to more hot, horny maleness than most, but damn, I never felt more out-of-place than there. More to come in the very near future, my pretties! Keep in touch, we all need a little togetherness amongst all this right-wing nastiness!

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